Reviews for High-Trust Leadership

This is one of the best books I've won through Early Reviewers in a while and changed my entire perspective on what trust can be. The idea that trust is a spectrum that can be improved indefinitely was life-changing for me. This concept is disarming. If trust is not black or white and can always be improved, the defensiveness that accompanies "distrust" evaporates, allowing for a growth mindset.
This book responds to the dual crises of trust and legitimacy in U.S. society. Its publication is timely and the exercises in some chapters have the capacity to make a real difference in organizational culture. For that reason, I recommend giving it a read. It will make you think differently about your professional relationships. In my case, reading this book shaped an important professional decision that led to cutting ties with an organization that did not meet these standards of high trust leadership. ~ Library Thing Reviewer
High Trust Leadership: Building High-Performance Teams by Captain George Dom provides a practical look at building strong, high-performing teams through trust. One thing I really liked about the book is how it emphasizes the importance of communication and accountability as key parts of leadership. The way Captain Dom ties these concepts to his experiences with the Blue Angels makes the lessons feel real and applicable. Another standout is his focus on "unconscious competence"—the idea that mastery through practice allows teams to perform at their peak without overthinking, which I found both interesting and inspiring. It’s a great read for anyone interested in team building and leadership." ~ Library Thing Reviewer
Brilliant and Pragmatic! Captain George “Boss” Dom has penned the perfect blueprint for any leader and organization wishing to embed a high trust, high performance culture. Aside from the book being an exhilarating read, with jaw-dropping accounts of the speed and precision embraced by the Blue Angels, this book is full of highly practical building blocks for the creation of high trust. The lessons contained within can be applied from the board room to the shop floor. This should be required reading for leaders at all levels. ~ John Collingwood. Global Head of Executive Leadership, Johnson and Johnson Inc.
A Recipe for Success - This book should be mandatory reading for every high school senior, boss, subordinate, businessperson, doctor, lawyer, politician, parent, athlete, coach, and anyone striving for excellence in life. Mr. Dom masterfully presents a timeless recipe for success, offering practical, real-world lessons…Written in an engaging and accessible style…It far exceeded my expectations…exceptionally well done! ~ Bags
The best book I’ve ever read on leadership! This is a must-read book for anyone looking to improve their relationships professionally or personally. So many gems in this book that I will carry with me. I have read many books on leadership and this is the best! Loved the behind the scenes look into the Blue Angels’ ready room and cockpit. I was so impressed with this book that I sent copies of this book my sons who are beginning their careers in the Navy. ~ RF
Definitely Worth the Read (and the Price) - I enjoyed reading High Trust Leadership. Not only that, but as I read it, I was pleasantly surprised to realize that it was giving me the answer to a real-life issue I’ve recently been trying to solve at work. That issue involves a small group of smart, successful people who have nevertheless been exhibiting some workplace issues. And as I read this book it jumped off the page that it’s been an absence of real trust within and among the group that is the source of those issues. ~ Peter Carroll
The Perfect Wayfinder For Your Leadership Journey - Leadership exists at all levels (Individual contributor, C-level executive, family member, friend, or even stranger) and rarely have I come across a book that is applicable to every leader. If you are even remotely interested in being a better leader tomorrow than you are today, you need to read this book. If your team or organization has some level of dysfunction, this book can help you…His reflection questions are very thought-provoking and his "training exercises" will help readers apply concepts directly to their roles and lives. Make time to read this book and create your own personal action plan. The path won't be easy, but it will be worth the investment. ~ Michael C. Markiewicz
Infinitely actionable! The author has a unique perspective on leadership, having been the commander of the Blue Angels as well as holding many other leadership roles in the Navy and the business world. He clearly knows what he's talking about and I love how infinitely ACTIONABLE the book is. He doesn't talk about trust as a nebulous concept, but gives you tactical, practical steps for creating more trust in both your professional and personal lives. And I loved the "behind the scenes" stories of his time flying with the Navy. A great read! ~ Jenny Evans
A MUST READ for Leaders and Everyone – There are a lot of books about leadership out there, but I believe this one stands apart and above, as it provides a proven playbook for how to become an extraordinary leader and person, and how to deepen connections with everyone that matters in our lives. Whether you are a leader, coach, spouse/partner or parent, you will likely find yourself referring back to the practical and actionable strategies and exercises provided by Captain George Dom. I have followed his work with great admiration over the years and am thrilled to now have this book to help me in my ongoing quest to become a better leader with my team and strengthen relationships with everyone who matters in my life. ~ CKenney
Essential Reading for Leaders and Anybody Wishing to Build Better Relationships – Whether you’re flying a fighter jet at 500 mph 18 inches from another, working in a fast-moving organization, or simply wishing to build higher-quality personal relationships, this book is for you. Captain Dom brings us the essence of what is needed to allow us to move fast and remain in sync with others in his discussion of what it takes to build high-trust relationships and why it matters. His model is simple (not easy!) and clear, illustrated with examples from his illustrious (my word, not his) career in the United States Navy and his time as commanding officer/flight leader of the Blue Angels. This is a book I will return to many times as I practice its principles and I’ll recommend it to my clients. ~ C. Bardenheuer
Credible, practical and actionable – As a former senior Navy Officer and current business consultant, I deeply appreciate the focus that George Dom brings to the concept of organizational trust. Among all of the attributes and behaviors associated with organizational culture, none are as important as trust in your leaders, teammates and subordinates. And there is clearly no one more qualified for a "deep dive" on this subject than George. This book is powerful and succinct, with real world examples that are entertaining to read. I especially enjoyed the practical aspects of "building a high trust organization" and the "personal action plan" - ideas that I will use in my consulting work. I recommend making this your handbook for applying the "five pillars of trustworthiness" to improve your culture and transform relationships.~ Christopher Lindsay
Build Trust, Build Success – This compelling guide demystifies the often elusive concept of trust in leadership, providing a clear, actionable model. Whether you're a seasoned leader or just starting out, this book offers practical steps to cultivate trust and enhance your leadership impact. Inside, you'll discover a concrete framework for understanding and building trust, empowering you to inspire and motivate those around you. This isn't just another leadership book; it's a blueprint for building stronger relationships and achieving greater success. ~ Anonymous
Awesome book about Leadership!! – Outstanding book about Trust and Leadership that should be a part of everyone’s personal library! Very well written, clear, concise, and actionable, with many real-world stories and examples that we all could use. I wish this book was available 30 years ago: I would have been a better leader, father, brother, husband, friend, and all-around person. If you’re looking for a straightforward book on leadership, trust, integrity,.. this is the book you should get. George Dom has hit a home run! This is the type of book I recommend to my children, their spouses, and anyone else who is looking for a guideline to excel in life. ~ GMN
A fascinating and practical guide for building a team of excellence – Captain George Dom's book is a fabulous read that delivers an intriguing peek into the Blue Angels' world of precision and competence, yet it's far more than that. Dom communicates his practical step-by-step plan for building teams that truly want to work together - teams whose members respect and trust one another. His insights apply to business teams, sports teams, families, and more. As Captain Dom points out, "ordinary people do extraordinary things" when there is a foundation of trust. ~ Nancy Lotinsky
Leaders: forget your title and look honestly in the mirror – George Dom has written a must-read foundational dissertation on the human side of leadership. With his emphasis on Character, Commitment, Competence, Connection, and Communication he strips away the standard titles, hierarchical structures, and resumes to force would-be leaders to look in the mirror and see if they embody these elements as they build their team. Every MBA student, corporate consultant, coach, C-suite, middle manager, parent, etc. should read this book. ~ R. S. Ruppert
An engaging read… There is a practical framework that is easy to understand and put into practice…This book is one that I will keep and refer to frequently as I continue to grow my teams and look to the future state of my company. A wonderful resource and a wonderful book. ~ Malkial
An excellent handbook for leaders on how to build trust in teams. I think this should sit on the corner of all leaders’ desks to be reviewed regularly. There are many nuggets of wisdom and practical advice between the pages that would help a leader craft a team that has high trust and high performance. Team-building can be one of those un-intuitive things, and this lays it out clearly and gives lots of ideas from an expert. Great read. –Lindsayhodgson
I was really impressed. It's an easy read with practical tips you can start using right away. I like how he shares his real life experiences from being in the military, but it's relatable even if you're not in that field. The part that stood out to me was how building confidence isn't just about what you say, but what you do consistently. It made me reflect on how I've handled things in my own life. Highly recommend! –UnderTheRaeDar
A must-read of how trust is the focus and foundation of any high-performing teams including your own family. Drawing on his long and distinguished experience as a naval officer and leader of the Blue Angels, the author provides a detailed recipe for building a culture of trust within any type of organization. The book emphasizes the importance of being transparent, accountable, using authentic communication. The author illustrates these principles with a real-world example from both worlds of a military and business context. It’s a must-read for anyone looking to enhance their leadership skills and foster a more cohesive, high trust environment. – Elliot1822