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Captain George Dom USN(Ret), founder of the High-Trust Leadership Network, is a former naval officer and aviator with a career spanning key leadership roles in high-performance organizations, including Topgun instructor, Blue Angels flight leader, and combat strike leader. Today, he’s COO of a California aviation company, author, speaker, and leadership consultant for Fortune 500 corporations. Dom emphasizes the importance of ‘High-Trust’ Leadership and Personal High Performance in achieving exceptional results. With a background in high-performing military and civilian organizations and coaching at the Human Performance Institute, he offers proven methods for leaders to achieve High-Trust Teamwork and Personal High Performance. Dom's keynotes, workshops, and coaching engagements aim to unleash human talent for outstanding organizational success.

Founder of High-Trust Leadership Network, Captain George Dom USN(Ret), is a former naval officer and aviator with a career that includes key leadership positions in high-performance organizations, including four aircraft carrier fighter squadrons and commander of the air wing on the USS Dwight D. Eisenhower and USS John F. Kennedy.

He was also an instructor/pilot at the Navy Fighter Weapons School (Topgun) and commanding officer/flight leader of the Blue Angels flight demonstration squadron. Today, Captain Dom is a highly respected business executive, author, speaker, and leadership consultant to Fortune 500 corporations, private companies, and individuals.

Achieving individual and collective high performance requires High-Trust Leadership and Personal High Performance. This is true in sports, the military, medical teams, and the business world. Through daily, deliberate, intentional effort, a culture of high-trust and fully engaged leaders and “wingmen” can be developed at all levels.

A high-trust team is a ‘force-multiplier’ achieving results exponentially greater than the sum of the individuals.

“For an organization like the Navy where there is no ‘lateral entry’ (we couldn’t hire a squadron commander from the business world) leadership development was not just the key to success, but crucial to survival.”

As a former coach with the Human Performance Institute, George can also share the science behind developing what Dr. Jim Loehr refers to as Full Engagement: “the acquired ability to intentionally invest your full and best energy right here, right now.”